更新时间:09-14 上传会员:陈老师
分类:音乐舞蹈论文 论文字数:7128 需要金币:1000个
关键词: 傣族舞;原生态;次生态;再生态;意境
Abstract:Dai people are industrious and courageous ,gentle, virtuous.It will be perfect to use the nationality as water to describe them.They have an iron hand in a velvet glove,gentle and cultivated,just like water.Sometimes like a running brook ,quiet and elegant .Sometimes like the powerful current ,run mountains high.Their dance reflects the varied national character adequately.This article through dai dance original ecological, again, times of ecological display, revealing the dance artistic dai dance the unique artistic charm, and its performance, trends prospect.
Keywords:Dai nationality dance, the original ecology,the secondary ecology ,the re-ecology , artistic conception
傣族舞蹈的精粹体现在傣族的历史、习俗、礼仪、制度、宗教及生产生活诸多方面。原生态傣族舞蹈表达了欢快和无遮掩的纯净自然的情绪宣泄,次生态傣族舞蹈以婀娜多姿、柔情似水勾画出傣族舞的梦幻意境;再生态傣族舞蹈以细腻的 “三道弯”、“一顺边”、“勾踢步”细节塑形,诠释着傣族舞极尽东方韵致的“唯美”意境。通过傣族舞蹈的原生态,次生态,再生态三种意境不同形式的展示,带给观众的是不同角度的视觉冲击和心灵沟通,丰富了民族的舞蹈艺术宝库,虽然我们已经开始重视傣族民间舞蹈的继承、发展和创新,但是至今的努力也是远远不够的,傣族舞蹈的传承和发展是一项巨大的工程,它需要我们几代人的共同努力!