更新时间:09-14 上传会员:陈老师
分类:音乐舞蹈论文 论文字数:8330 需要金币:1000个
关键词 南狮;发展;推广;设想;艺术
Abstract:Lion dance is a traditional folk art in China, and is deeply loved by the masses. This essay summarizes lion dance culture in South China by way of consulting relative literature and carrying out survey and sketches a preliminary research on the development and promotion of lion dance in South China in the hope that it can promote its inheritance and spreading.
KeyWords:south lion ,development, promotion ,imagine, art
舞狮是中华民族的传统活动, 且具有浓郁的中华民族特色和悠久的历史文化背景。如今随着舞狮地不断深入、发展与普及, 已为世人所瞩目。在当代大力强调发展民族传统艺术的热潮中, 我们应该充分发扬民族传统艺术的优秀文化内涵优势, 对其整理、挖掘和进一步地推广, 使南狮焕发出新的生机与活力, 从而创造符合出一种时代潮流并具备中华民族特色的崭新文化形态, 为未来的人类社会带来艺术的福音,为人类文化增添一份亮丽的色彩。