更新时间:03-03 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜
分类:音乐舞蹈论文 论文字数:7211 需要金币:500个
[摘 要]伟大的艺术家,往往能体察时代的脉搏,以其深刻而又独特的创作,体现整整一个时代的精神风貌,因而使这些作品不仅为当代的人民群众所理解和接受,也能超越时代,为后人所传颂。冼星海就是我国近代音乐史上一位具有伟大创造力的音乐家。在那中华民族灾难深重的年代里,作曲家以最大的热忱、顽强无畏的斗争精神为时代和民族谱写了不朽之作,成为继聂耳之后,我国无产阶级新音乐运动的旗手和先锋。本论文通过《黄河大合唱》这部巨作,使读者更深入的了解这位伟大的艺术家。
[关键词] 冼星海 黄河大合唱 创作背景 作品分析
[Abstract]Great artists, often providing the pulse of The Times, with its profound and unique creation, embody the spirit of a whole era, which features not only for these works of contemporary people understood and accepted, also can beyond the era, famed for later generations. Xian xinghai Chinese modem history is with a great creativity musician. In the Chinese nation in the age of stricken with the greatest composer enthusiasm, indomitable struggle spirit for the audacity of times and national composed a masterpiece, become the proletariat, our country after the nie er new music movement by the flag-bearer of and pioneer, the Yellow River cantata "more accurate to know this great artists Key words: Xian xinghai ,creation background works, analyse ,《the Yellow River cantata》