更新时间:03-03 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜
分类:音乐舞蹈论文 论文字数:8278 需要金币:500个
[摘 要]由于威尔第在歌剧创作领域中的辉煌成就,其咏叹调作品成为许多声乐学习者和演唱者所选择和钟爱的对象,但演唱威尔第的作品首先要了解其作品的创作特点与艺术风格,笔者为此作了介绍。另外,笔者通过近两年演唱威尔第歌剧选段《父亲的哀伤》的感悟,对如何演唱好该作品进行的具体分析,总结了一些声乐演唱方面的技巧和情感处理方式,着重论述了头腔共鸣、咽腔共鸣及胸腔共鸣的重要性,从而给男低音声部的学习者和演唱者在演唱此作品时提供了一些借鉴和经验。
[关键词] 威尔第 歌剧创作 艺术风格 咏叹调 共鸣 情感处理
[Abstract]As a result of Verdi’s tremendous achievements in the field of opera, the arias works is beloved by many vocality learners and performers and become their preference, but there’re invariably certain blindness doing harm to their enhancement if they chose them without certain singing foundations and experiences. Over the last two years the author has more contacted with the works of Verdi’s soprano aria, and is engaged in soprano. The article is the analysis and conclusion after the author has sang the segment of Puccini opera concert "Father's sad" that are about a number of aspects of vocal skills and emotional processing approach, emphasizing the importance of the first cavity resonance and pharyngeal strength, so as to supply learners and performers of the soprano with beneficial aid and experiences when they are singing the works.
Key words: Head cavity resonance;Pharynx cavity resonance;Pleural resonance;bass; aria; emotional processing