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分类:文学论文 论文字数:13874 需要金币:1000个
摘 要:《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》情节扣人心弦,跌宕起伏,人物塑造丰富细腻,一个机智冷静,细致周密,追求真爱却最终落得自杀的下场,看透爱情的悲剧人物——杜十娘,被刻画得淋漓尽致。负心汉李甲,则就是后人嗤之以鼻的对象。本文从另外一个角度反思杜十娘性格的缺陷和形象的不足之处,分析李甲对爱情的无能为力,选择金钱并不代表放弃爱情,孙富的不良出现,让这场爱情走向无可挽回的深渊,而这样的结局,都是遭到封建制度和商品经济的腐蚀,使爱情不得不臣服于现实脚下,以这样的李杜爱情悲剧引发当代社会意义。本文通过对人物和环境进行更深刻的剖析,从而引发世人对物质与爱情、亲情与爱情、制度与爱情的深度思考。给读者一个新鲜的角度来解读,他们的爱情悲剧,并非只是单方面的因素造成,杜十娘、李甲、孙富,以及当时社会的发展,客观存在的因素,都是造成这场悲剧的刽子手。通过这样的一个爱情悲剧,来看二十一世纪的爱情观,他们的悲剧告诉我们:在面对爱情的时候,不要被情感冲昏了头脑,要有一个健康的认真的态度。态度决定命运,环境造就人生。
关键词:杜十娘 爱情 悲剧 社会意义
ABSTRACT:Du shiniang anger threw a gripping rendering, the ups and downs, the characters rich and exquisite, a wit calm, meticulous and thorough, the pursuit of true love is finally to suicide in the end, through the love tragedy of character – shiniang, is portrayed incisively and vividly. Occasion li3 jia3, scoffed is the posterity of the object. This from another Angle reflection shiniang personality image of defects and shortcomings, Li jia to love the helpless, money does not mean love, Mr Sun bad appear, let the love toward the abyss beyond retrieve, and so of final outcome, is the feudal system and the corrosion of commodity economy, make love have to surrender to reality beneath your feet, for the love tragedy caused by the contemporary social significance. This paper deeply analyzes the character and the environment in, causing the world of matter and love, affection and love, and love the depth of thinking. Give the reader a fresh perspective to interpret, their love tragedy, is not only unilateral factors, shiniang, li jia, Mr Sun, as well as the development of the society at that time, the objective existence of factors, is the tragedy of the executioner. Through such a love tragedy, love to see the twenty-first century, the tragedy of they told us, in the face of love, don't be emotional, want to have a healthy, serious attitude, attitude determines destiny, environment make a life.
Keywords :du shiniang;love;tragedy;social significance