更新时间:06-27 上传会员:乖乖90后
分类:文学论文 论文字数:13511 需要金币:1000个
摘 要:人物是一部小说的一个最基本的要素,而小说的基本特征之一就是深入细致的人物刻画,所以在对一部小说进行研究的时候,对人物形象的解读就是最基本的一种研究方法。《苍河白日梦》是刘恒的一部长篇小说代表,是一部描写家族的新历史小说,主要描写了在封建末世一个封建大家族内部发生的故事。本文以曹家的曹老爷、二少爷和仆人耳朵三人各自所带有的悲剧色彩为视角,对作品中的人物进行解读。论文不仅对曹老爷、二少爷和耳朵三人各自的形象和悲剧命运分别进行解读,而且还以宿命感和悲剧感为切入点,对作者刘恒的宿命写作和人生的追问进行了剖析。
关键词:人物形象 悲剧 曹老爷 二少爷 耳朵
ABSTRACT:Character is one of the most basic elements of a novel, and one of the basic characteristics of the novel's characters thorough characterization, so in the study of a novel, interpretation of the figures is one of the most basic research methods. "The Clang River daydream" is one of Liu Hang’s novels, the new historical novel is a description of the family, mainly describes the occurred in the feudal society of a big feudal family story. According to Cao master , two young master ,erduo and three respectively with the tragic color perspective, profound interpretation of the characters in his works. The paper not only to master Cao, two young and ears three of their image and tragic destiny respectively for interpretation, but also to fatalism and sense of tragedy as the breakthrough point, the author Liu Hang’s writing and life destiny minutely analyzed.
Keywords:Interpretation of characters;Tragedy;Cao master;two young master; Erduo