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[摘要] 薇拉·凯瑟最受赞誉的作品是那些描写欧洲移民在美国西部边疆艰苦卓绝、顽强不屈的拓荒生活的小说。其作品大多刻画了西部草原既苍茫、荒凉,又蕴含无穷的生命力的原始风貌,以及拓荒者们虽贫穷艰难却质朴坚强的性格和英勇顽强的创业精神,歌颂他们高尚的情操和美好的心灵。本论文拟将凯瑟早期“内布拉斯加三部曲”中的《啊,拓荒者》和《我的安东妮亚》为例,从女性主义视角出发,分析凯瑟笔下的女拓荒者形象,并探究其中蕴含的生态女性思想。
[关键词] 薇拉·凯瑟;拓荒女性;《啊,拓荒者》;《我的安东尼亚》
[Abstract] Willa Cather's most acclaimed works are those novels that described the arduous and indomitable frontier life of those pioneer European immigrants living in the western U.S. Most of her works protrayed that western prairie is not only vast and desolate, but also contains infinite vitality in the original style. Those pioneers,although poor, were simple and brave enough to be eulogized as people with noble and beautiful minds. This paper intends to take Willa Cather's early Nebraska Trilogy "Pioneers" and"My Antonia" for example, it will analyze Kaiser 's characters of the female pioneers and explore which contains ecofeminist thought.
[Keywords] Willa Cather; pioneer women; "O Pioneers"; "My Antonia''