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[摘要] 本文首先探讨冰心与基督教的渊缘。基督教自创立以来就以爱为核心,爱就是统摄一切观念的总纲,具有很强的道德魅力。随着基督教在中国的传播与接收,再加上冰心多年在基督教教会学校的耳濡目染,基督教文化不断对冰心进行渗透与熏陶,影响了冰心的整个人生历程。冰心也形成她独特的“爱的哲学”,她的“爱的哲学”来源于基督教“爱的主题”,但是又远远超越了“爱的主题”。冰心把基督教圣洁的母爱上升为一种可以折射的爱;将作为一种思想、生活原则的基督教“爱的主题”上升为一种理念、灵魂与精神层次的“爱的哲学”。
[关键词] 基督教;冰心;爱
[Abstract] This paper begins with the discussion on Bing Xin and the Christian from edge. Christian since its inception with love at the core, love is the dominion concept principles, has a strong moral charm. With the spread of Christianity in China and received, plus the Bing Xin years in the Christian Church School influenced by Christian culture, constantly on the infiltration and influence of Bing Xin, influenced by Bing Xin 's whole life. Bing Xin also formed her unique" philosophy of love", her" philosophy of love " comes from the Christian" love theme", but also far beyond the" love theme". Bing Xin Christian Holy Mother's love to a refraction of love; as a kind of thought, life principles of the Christian" love theme " rise for an idea, soul and spirit level" the philosophy of love".
[Key words] Christianity,Bing Xin,Love