更新时间:03-29 上传会员:heat000
分类:文学论文 论文字数:11655 需要金币:500个
摘要:元杂剧中塑造了一群世俗色彩非常浓厚的僧侣形象, 他们喝酒吃肉、贪财好色、粗俗鄙陋,置各项戒律于不顾。这些世俗色彩浓郁的僧侣形象的出现,主要是由于在元代诸教并蓄的宗教政策下,出现了诸多世俗化的现象,这些形象是使读者了解元代僧侣生活的一份重要素材。另外,这些僧侣形象的出现既迎合了元代市民阶层的口味,又能够为作品的主题服务,深化主题。
关键词:元杂剧 ; 僧侣形象; 世俗化
[Abstract] In the shape of a group of secular color is very strong image of monks in the Yuan Dynasty, they drink the meat, greedy lust, vulgar, shallow, and placing the precepts of the expense. These secular rich color of the monks image appear, mainly due to the many secular phenomenon in the religious policy of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu teach and build the image is to enable readers to understand an important material for the life of the Yuan Dynasty monk.In addition, these monks image not only cater to the tastes of the public sectors in the Yuan Dynasty, but also to the theme of the works to deepen the theme.
[Key words] Yuan Dynasty; Monks image ; Secularization