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[摘要] 《文化苦旅》是余秋雨在教学和学术研究之余所著的文化散文集。它主要通过山水风物探求文化灵魂、人生真谛、中国文化的历史命运和中国文人的人格构成。既表现了历史的深邃荒凉,又展现了江南文化的清新婉约;既展示中国文人的艰难心路,又不忘揭露世态人情。从文中,我们不难发现作者不仅有着丰厚的文化感悟力,同时也具备非凡的艺术表现力。
[关键词] 《文化苦旅》 出世意识 余秋雨
[Abstract] ‘Cultural journey’is written by Yu Qiuyu in teaching and academic research of the cultural prose. It is mainly through landscapes to explore cultural soul, the true meaning of life, the Chinese culture history and the Chinese writer’s personality. Not only shows the deep history of desolation, and demonstrates the Jiangnan culture fresh graceful, it not only shows the Chinese literati hard heart, and never forget to expose the ways of the world. From the passage, we can easily find the author not only has a rich cultural perception, but also have special artistic expressive force.
[Key words] Bitter cultural journey To view the world with the hermits' visions Yu qiuyu;Value spirit