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分类:音乐舞蹈论文 论文字数:5761 需要金币:1000个
摘要:手风琴从他出现至今,已经有三百多年的历史,由于其音色丰富,携带方便,表现力强等出色的特点,在18世纪末到19世纪,也就是启蒙运动兴起之际,广大的王公贵族,平民都大量的学习和演奏这种乐器,手风琴得到了广阔的发展空间。在中国,19世纪末,手风琴传入我国,并在建国以后,担任了重要艺术角色,发挥了巨大的艺术价值,但是,随着时代的变迁,技术的改良,自由低音和巴扬的出现,传统手风琴的发展受到乐器本身缺陷的影响而进入了瓶颈,光辉黯淡了。 本课题研究的目的在于研究传统手风琴与新兴的手风琴在演奏技巧上的综合运用,本课题主要是通过具体的技巧研究,使传统手风琴获得新鲜的元素,在以巴扬自由低音为主的学院派手风琴体系中焕发出新的生命与活力。
关键词: 传统手风琴;自由低音;演奏技巧
Abstract:the accordion presented until now, already more than300 years history from him, because its timbre was rich, carried conveniently, expressive force strong and so on splendid characteristic, in 18 century's ends to the 19th century, when was Enlightenment emerged, the general nobility, the common people massive studies and plays this kind of musical instrument, the accordion obtained the broad development opportunities. In China, 19 century's ends, the accordion spreads to our country, and after founding of the nation, has played the important artistic role, has displayed the hugeartistic value, but, along with the timevicissitude, the technical improvement, the free bass and Pakistan raises theappearance, the traditional accordion's development received the musical instrument itself flaw the influence to enter the bottleneck, the glory has been dim. This topic research's goal lies in the research tradition accordion and the emerging accordion's in performance skill synthesis utilization, this topic is mainly through the concrete skill research, causes the traditional accordion to obtain the fresh element, raises in the free bass academism accordion system primarily in Israel and Palestine to glow the new life and the vigor
Key Words: Traditional accordion; Free bass; Performance