更新时间:10-09 上传会员:学大教育
分类:音乐舞蹈论文 论文字数:7941 需要金币:1000个
摘要:课堂器乐在中小学音乐教育中存在重要的作用,如何在教育过程中正确地对学生进行器乐教学显得尤为重要.随着新课改的进行,课堂器乐的运用也应当进行相应的变革,以适应新课改后音乐教学的需求。竖笛是世界各国普遍流行的吹奏乐器之一,音色悠扬、简便易学、是器乐进课堂的最佳选择乐器。本文基于此以八孔竖笛为例对中小学课堂器乐教学方法进行探究,力求合理培养学生音乐能力,寻求合适的器乐教学方式. 本课题主要是集百家之言,学习他们的观点,同时结合我国现阶段的八孔竖笛教育现状进行进一步的探究,以寻求最贴合实际的教育方式。
关键词: 器乐教育;八孔竖笛;方法探究
Abstract:School instrument lesson plays an important role in elementary school and middle school music education system. The popularization of music instrumental education requires us as music teacher should consider choosing the right way to teach the young students. Based on the Course Reformation, School instrumental education system also needs to change. Recorder predominant characteristics determined record becomes one of the most common instruments around the world. It’s tiny to carry, easy to learn and sounds very light like a bird. This is why recorder is the best choice for the young student to learn in school. This article focuses on the methods of school instrumental education and uses recorder education as the main example. I try to combine theory with practice then find an appropriate education system for the young students.
KeyWords: music instrumental education, recorder, method, education system