更新时间:07-28 上传会员:阳の阳
分类:音乐舞蹈论文 论文字数:8387 需要金币:500个
摘要:霍华德·加德纳(Howard Gardner)在20世纪80年代提出多元智能理论,这一新型智能理论所提倡的“多元化智能”的观点,打破了人们对与智能的固有思维,一经提出,便在教育界引起极大反响。音乐学科作为基础教育的一条重要分支,自然也受到多元智能理论的影响。本文主要通过分析我国第八次基础教育课程改革与多元智能理论的关系,同时对我国现阶段普通教育中的音乐课程进行调查研究,归纳梳理出如何充分将多元智能理论应用于音乐教学,并对运用这一理论的成功教学案例进行分析学习,希望能够以此拓宽思路,进一步推动音乐教学研究。
关键词:音乐教育; 多元智能理论; 调查; 分析
Abstract:Howard Gardner put forward the theory of multiple intelligences in the 1980 s, a new intelligent theory advocated by the diversified "smart" point of view, and broke the inherent thinking people with intelligence. Once the theory is put forward, it has caused great repercussions in education. Music course as an important branch of basic education, also influenced by the theory of multiple intelligences. In this paper, by analyzing the eighth basic education curriculum reform in China's relationship with the theory of multiple intelligences, and the music courses in general education at the present stage in China carries on the investigation and study, summarized that how to fully apply the theory of multiple intelligences in music teaching, and to apply the theory to the success of the teaching case analysis study, the hope can to broaden the train of thought, further promote the music teaching research.
Keywords : Music education; The theory of multiple intelligences; Survey; analysis