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分类:音乐舞蹈论文 论文字数:7583 需要金币:1000个
摘要 :“腊月里开花, 三九天吐蕊。不怕霜雪打, 任凭寒风吹”这说的就是梅花,这就是梅花的品质,不畏严寒,顶雪开放,傲视群芳,越是风欺雪压,花就开的月精神,月秀气。不仅这样,他超凡脱俗,不与百花争奇斗艳。有如此令人敬佩的品质,梅花怎能不被人们所赞美,所敬仰!所以,本文从作品的风格、表现的内容、创作的技法和情绪的表现等方面,试析一首由瞿琮作词,著名曲家郑秋枫作曲,并由著名女中音演唱家邓韵演唱的《我爱梅园梅》的艺术特征,期以抛砖引玉之效,引更多的专家学者和爱好者对这个作品的关注,从而也提高自身的演唱水平,把自己的演唱水平提升到一个更高的境界!
关键词:风格 内容 情感 笔者见解
Abstract: " In three nine days in blossom, spit pistil. Not afraid of frost and snow play, the mercy of the wind blow" that is the plum, the plum blossom is the quality, not afraid of cold, snow at the top opening, proud, the wind and snow, flowers bloom on the spirit, months of delicate. Not only that, he is extraordinary, not with flowers bloom. So admirable qualities, clubs could not been praise, worship! Therefore, this article on a song by Qu Zong lyricist, composer Zheng Qiufeng composition, and by renowned soprano singer Deng Yun sings" I love rigmor" artistic characteristics, said the song 's work style, the content of the performance, creating skills and emotional expression.
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