Ernest Hemingway, American novelist and short-story writer, i...
“Elaborated Image” is called “Fu” image in Chinese. A...
Dreiser, a great naturalism novelist, was born in 1871 in Ind...
But communicators from different culture and background, foll...
With the development of globalization, the activities of inte...
China and Britain, the United States and other western countr...
The Adventures of Tom·Sawyer is a masterpiece of great novel...
Every object has a certain color and we actually live in a co...
Festival is not just a way of life in the traditional nationa...
Multimodal discourse analysis theory arose in the Western cou...
Language is a tool for people to exchange ideas. Semantics, ...
The emergence of new words with the gradual disappearance of ...
“The word “Gothic” originally meant western Europe Germ...
Humans mainly rely on language to express meanings, ideas, mo...
Modernism is one of the most influential movement in the Amer...
Both China and the United States are the world's two great po...
Forster clearly expressed his concern about the lack of peopl...
It is common that great works of foreign literature are trans...
Since the 90s of the 20th century, international economic fie...
Difference affect people’s modes of thinking in many aspec...
Our world is a colorful. There are many different countries i...
The color is closely related to people everyday life. In the ...
Language is not only a social phenomenon but also a cultural ...
Sexist language has come into being from the ancient times an...
“Faithfulness Smoothness Elegance” theory which put forwa...
Festival is the inscribed dynamic fossils of the national cul...
Constitutionalism is "a complex of ideas, attitudes, and patt...
Hofstede cultural dimensions theory, a framework used to meas...
A person has what kind of self will has what kind of marriag...
In our daily life, we deal with a number of quantifiers here ...