Humanistic education is becoming more and more important no...
There are already numerous remarkable achievements on his cri...
With the fast development of the society, educational games...
Khaled Hosseini was born on March 4, 1965 in Kabul, Afghanist...
Three high school friends, of whom Tony Webster is one, are j...
Effective teachers’ feedback can not only develop students’...
In the current Unified Chinese Characters Table, there are 20...
My ways to gather the materials are as follows: online purcha...
However, few researchers have shown much interest in applying...
As the raising statue of English in China, there are new req...
Tragic is not used to solve real world problems. Its aim is t...
Firstly, on principles and phrases of guided learning approac...
Nowadays, English teachers are confused about how to help the...
The stories of his fruitful literary production, covering an ...
At the same time, reading comprehension is one of the necess...
Therefore, the primary objective of this experiment is to fin...
English education has improved from teacher-centered, surface...
Both domestic and foreign research shows the importance of in...
The focus is the preferences of learners. These key questions...
Spain is one of the most enduring and popular poem by W. H. A...
The first time I came to know Charles Dickens was in the read...
Sarton talks about death, friendship, nature, poetry and cur...
Color terms are the words that used to describe the things in...
Since the significance of learning English has being recogniz...
Noticing the great importance of information gap in Engli...
Vocabulary, as a well-debated issue in the general field of E...
Therefore the effectiveness of phonics in vocabulary building...
Coherence and lexical features are two important aspects whic...
The current English curriculum standards have clearly written...
The English situational teaching method of primary school, a...