As English education becomes more and more popular in China, ...
With the acceleration of internationalization and the frequen...
Euphemism is a common linguistic and cultural phenomenon whic...
English is a compulsory course for each student. With the dev...
Language and culture are closely related. Just as Edward Sapi...
As an essential part of English teaching and learning, Englis...
With the rapid development of technology and international ec...
English Curriculum Standard and Curriculum Reform of Elementa...
During the daily teaching, most teachers don’t focus on rea...
It was widely acknowledged by most Americans that as long as ...
Scott Fitzgerald was born in a middle-class family in St. Pau...
Charlotte Bronte, one of the greatest writers of English crit...
Body language exists in both animals and humans, which is mai...
M. Shelley’s first novel, Frankenstein, was first published...
Hawthorne’s novels often lead to multiple interpretations b...
The researcher conducted two questionnaires: one is for stude...
Nowadays, international communication becomes increasingly fr...
There are countless code heroes in the history of literature,...
And also, one important task in foreign language teaching in ...
Writing is a senior output ability of students, and errors ar...
The phrase "Dances with Wolves" is becoming widely used in da...
Many domestic and foreign writers concern about the inequali...
"A Rose for Emily" is a panoramic social novel of the histor...
Furthermore, some materials so-called“listening and speakin...
"Dictionary of Education" ,which is edited by Gu Mingyuan, ...
English proverbs are treasures of English language and the cr...
Reading is the basic skill for language learners. In teaching...