The dissertation is composed of three parts. The first part m...
In addition, the importance of effective questioning is also ...
In recent years, many foreign friends started to learn Chine...
Advertising is omnipresent and plays a very important role in...
Another English teaching material named Oxford Yi Lin from th...
In the study of foreign language learning, learners’ indivi...
Language plays a major role in mankind’s communication, it ...
Thomas Hardy was an extraordinary poet and outstanding writer...
He thinks that students with interest, will be willing to wor...
The cultivation of students’ reading comprehension ability ...
Generally speaking, the learning of English grammar has two p...
It is of great important meaning in revealing the nature of h...
A game is structured form of play. The most important compone...
Commercial advertising, which has formed its own characterist...
The famous educator Dewey said, it is impossible to establish...
In China, English course has been open in elementary schools ...
The ultimate goal of learning English is to make a dialogue w...
At present, most of the situational teaching strategies in pr...
In recent years, China has cooperated with other countries to...
The time background of the novel is before the civil war, whi...
This dissertation is mean to prove and propagate the outstand...
With the development of the world, popularity of the 21st cen...
Politeness is a kind of universal phenomenon common in human ...
A Rose for Emily is one of the most significant achievements ...
The Scarlet Letter is Nathaniel Hawthorne’s masterpiece. In...
Nowadays, people use animal metaphors so unconsciously in dai...
Idiom is the language peculiar to a people or to a district, ...
In China , when a baby was born, he or she gets his or her su...
In the long river of history, language and culture always dep...