The America writer Anne Rice, as the founder of Vampire, her ...
The Edible Woman, her first novel, was created in 1965. Maria...
With the acceptance of the world,English translation of Ch...
In the last few years, some regions launched local dialect te...
In todays era, advertising has become an indispensable part o...
In this part, I will give explanations of transferred epithet...
Morrison, the famous contemporary African American female wri...
Since Pearl Bucks work was published, domestic and foreign re...
In context of the life of Thomas Hardy and the social circums...
America is not a country of a long history, but the peculiari...
Coincident with the concerns about the policy of the rule of ...
In the 19th century, no British poet could be more attractive...
Ernest Hemingway, one of the most outstanding novelists in Am...
Pride and Prejudice is a British novelist,Jane Austen''''...
According to a systematic study of pragmatic differences betw...
However, due to the difference between cultures, sometimes, a...
Advertising is one kind of art and advertising language is mo...
The contrastive studies target the texts on textiles import a...
We all know that cultural-loaded vocabulary plays a very impo...
Although tourism does not have a long history, researches on ...
In the field of translation studies, poetry translation is al...
As one of the greatest war novelists in contemporary literatu...
There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and tha...
Hemingway is a famous American modern novelist, won the Nob...