Business letters, as a significant form of business transacti...
Nowadays, English is one of the most official languages all a...
Food packaging is a common text, attached to food products. A...
With regard to the characterization of Catherine Barkley, the...
After a reunion arranged by Nick, Gatsby and Daisy reestablis...
In the world economic globalization, the competition of adver...
Advertisements can improve the communication of global econom...
With the development of world economic globalization, regiona...
The Royal Hunt of the Sun, Amadeus, and Black Comedy etc., wh...
Many experiences from Salinger’s early life appear in The C...
est for English Majors Grade Eight (henceforth TEM-8 for shor...
In the guidance of pragmatics and other theories, this paper ...
Totally different from the linguistic research with a view to...
The subject is one of the most important concepts in the stud...
This paper attempts to compare cultural differences between v...
Language has interpersonal function, which can express the sp...
As is known, the novel depicts the lower people’s life in t...
With the development of economic globalization, people all ov...
With the development of the global automobile industries, the...
The article is composed of six parts. Part one introduces the...
In an integral part of an ethnic culture, idioms occupy an ov...
In the current international economy and the political situat...
In this chapter, the author will illustrate the research back...
It consists of a large number of characteristic cities in Chi...
However, in many cases the way to compile news is relatively ...
As one of the four famous classics in China, Hongloumeng is r...
It is reported that Yancheng first chose Kaifang Avenue as th...