更新时间:10-27 上传会员:西部姑娘
分类:英语论文 论文字数:6216 需要金币:1000个
Abstract:After the introduction of modern linguistics into the field of translation studies, translation theories have thrived, and it has been extensively applied in the studies of many fields. The systemic functional linguistics of M.A.K. Halliday is tremendously influential on the development of modern linguistics. It combines language function with language form to probe into the working mechanism language system in its actual context. Register theory in the functional linguistics has also been widely applied in the study of translation, yet these studies are mainly focused on literature translation, while only a few of them are on business translation and legal translation, especially on the translation of business contract clauses.
Based on register theory, this paper attempts to make a deeper analysis of the translation of business contract clauses in the hope of deepening the understanding of contract clauses.
This paper is divided into five parts. Part One introduces the background and structure of this paper, and business contract clauses. Part Two deals with the present study of business contract clauses’ translation. Part three deals with the development and notion of register theory, and three variables of register. Part Four is based on the three variables of register to explore register theory’s influence on translation of business contract. Part Five is the conclusion of the whole paper, and points out the limitations of this paper.
Keywords: register theory business contract clauses translation
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 The Background of This Paper-1
1.2 Introduction of Business Contract Clauses-1
1.3 The Structure of This Paper-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 General Statement-3
2.2 The Present Study of Business Contract Clauses Translation at Home-3
Chapter Three Register theory-5
3.1 The Development and Notion of Register Theory-5
3.2 Three Variables of Register Theory-5
Chapter Four Register Analysis in Business Contract Clauses Translation-7
4.1 Field and Translation of Business Contract Clauses-7
4.1.1 Field and Translation of Legal Terms-7
4.1.2 Field and Translation of Common Words with Special Meaning-9
4.2 Tenor and Translation of Business Contract Clauses-9
4.2.1 Tenor and Translation of Some Words-9
4.2.2 Tenor and Translation of Shall-10
4.3 Mode and Translation of Business Contract Clauses-11
4.3.1 Mode and Translation of Formal Words-11
4.3.2 Mode and Syntactic features of Version-12
Chapter Five Conclusion-14
5.1 Summary of This Paper-14
5.2 Shortcomings of This Paper-14