更新时间:10-22 上传会员:在职研究生
分类:文学论文 论文字数:16048 需要金币:1000个
关键词:老船夫 圣地亚哥 命运 坚持
ABSTRACT: "Border town", "the old man and the sea" is the Chinese and foreign history of modern literature classics. Hemingway with extraordinary narrative art in "the old man and the sea" won the 1954 Nobel Prize for literature. In 1988, Shencongwen Painted a wonderful native world in "border town" and Other articles ,and become the most popular candidate for the Nobel Prize for literature, unfortunately the author died before the Nobel Prize time. Although the author had got the honor of is not the same, but they are left to future generations the precious spiritual wealth. A commitment to build an ideal "xiangxi world" and "small temple of humanity", awakening people to look forward to the traditional culture and the true meaning of human nature; Another Persistent descripe the "real world" which is full of violence and death. Their literary world's different but also wonderful. As intercultural studies plays a more and more important role in communication between Chinese and western culture. The comparative study of Chinese and western literary works become more compelling. It is based on it, this article in absorbs the predecessor research results, on the basis of from the noble quality of personal, specific analysis the "border town", "the old man and the sea" are well depicted in the image of a man of hardworking and tenacity. Tries to through the appearance of the old boatman, Santiago, comparing the same quality, conviction, respectively from the difficult life career, noble kind of insist on four aspects, through the case analysis research, elaborated, so as to highlight the two old people indomitable insist on and struggle to fate. Enriched the contents of the existing research and also provides a little enlightenment to cultural exchanges between China and western countries
Key words: the old boatman;Santiago;fate ;insist
读完《边城》,不能不被沈从文笔下湘西民族和整个中华民族美好的文化精神所打动。“人性是沈从文建筑文学理想大厦的起点和基石,是他创作的出发点,也是他对客观社会人生的独特视角和向人类远景凝眸的切入点” 那幽碧的远山、溪边的白塔、翠绿的竹篁、质朴的人民以及这美好的边城所发生的那段爱与守候的故事。在某种特定的条件下,被激发,然后一发不可收拾的投入其中。 圣地亚哥表现出了与老船夫同样高贵的人性品质,和命运勇敢抗争的圣地亚哥成为海明威笔下最完美的硬汉子。他在与大自然的抗争中以坚韧的毅力承受巨大的灾难而始终保持人的尊严,完美的体现了人生永恒的价值和生命的意义,淋漓尽致的阐释了海明威的死亡主题“生命因死亡而永恒,精神因死亡而大放异彩”。圣地亚哥是海明威塑造的最后一位悲剧英雄,也是他一生塑造硬汉形象的最后总结。“圣地亚哥身上的自信、乐观、不屈不挠的与命运抗争精神是其艺术形象的集中体现。”。贫穷且不走运的圣地亚哥的命运是悲哀的,但他却又是一个失败的英雄,肉体可以接受折磨,但是内在的意志却是神圣不可侵犯的“打不败的失败者”。海明威的硬汉子品格像精灵一样,紧紧依附在圣地亚哥这一人物形象上,这便是海明威式“硬汉”精神的象征。