更新时间:09-17 上传会员:陈老师
分类:文学论文 论文字数:7322 需要金币:500个
摘要:在政治相对稳定,经济普遍发达,思想空前活跃和开放的唐代,女子作为“人”的主体意识也相应地得到觉醒。她们首先争取了经济上的独立,继而游离了男人们的荫封,在人格上获得了非自觉的平等和自由,从而在一定程度上摆脱了男权的束缚。作为唐传奇的压卷之作,《任氏传》开辟了人狐恋小说的先河。狐妖任氏的美丽善良、聪明机智,对爱情的忠贞不二,给人留下难以忘怀的印象。然而,唐传奇《任氏传》中的任氏并非如一些论者所言,具有反抗封建礼教、追求自由平等爱情的精神。 其实,她并不具备主体性与独立人格,她是男权意识中“贤妻”与“荡妇”的糅合,纯粹是作者男权无意识中的欲望流露。
Abstract:In comparatively stable, prosperous and open Tang Dynasty, women’s ego, which had been suppressed, was aroused.After gaining their economic independence and gradually shaking off the mercies from men, they won the mselves unintentional equality and freedom in person and hence to some extent and cast off the yoke of male dominance. As magnificient works of Tang Legend, Ren The Fox Fairy is the earlist love story between human and fox. Renshi impresses readers with her beauty,virtue, and loyalty to love. However,Renshi, the main role of Biography of Ren———a legend created in the Tang Dynasty, didn’t have the spirit of resisting feudalism and pursuing liberal and equal affection. In fact,she was dependent and absent of self-consciousness. She was not only a virtuous wife, but also a sensual woman in the culture of paternity.
Key words:Biography of Ren;Paternity society;Lust collective unconsciousness; Virtuous wife; Sensualwoman
唐传奇任氏传中的任氏是狐仙,但在她身上,同时具有中国传统女性的贤淑品德,也有作者基于男性欲望创作的“荡妇”形象,她的出现、存在乃至消失,都是男性欲望的编排。这种欲望并非源自作者个人,而是根源于男权集体无意识。这也正是男权文化的可怕之处。 在当代文本中,任氏这样的女性形象并没有绝迹,而是改头换面频频出现在男性甚至还有女性创作的小说及影视作品中。由此看来,中国女性主义改变男权文化观念的道路还相当漫长。