更新时间:07-09 上传会员:艾薇儿
分类:文学论文 论文字数:7552 需要金币:500个
摘要:川端康成是日本文学史上的伟大作家,他立足于日本的佛禅思想土壤中,为日本乃至整个亚洲的文学发展作出了杰出贡献。从深层次上看 ,川端康成的作品完全是东方式的、日本式的虚无 ,在以东方和日本为基础进行自我创造方面 ,川端可谓达到了化境。他崇尚虚无的无常观,推崇轮回转世,生死不灭和死亡之美。他的天地与我同根,万物与我一体的自然观等都在他的作品中有淋漓尽致的表现。其代表作《雪国》所呈现的虚无与唯美的艺术建构乃是东西方文化融合与碰撞的艺术结晶。《花未眠》则是他往往将审美情趣与死亡联系在一起的最好说明。川端康成秉承了这一传统,自觉地用禅文化观察与接受世上的一切事物,在自己的作品中营造出一种超脱尘扰、物我两忘、超越生死的佛禅境界。那么,川端康成是如何形成自己的佛禅观,他的佛禅观中心又究竟是什么,以及如何体现在他的创作中,本文将做粗浅的论析。
Abstract:Sichuan end Kang Cheng as a great writer in the Japanese literature, has made a brilliant contribution for Japanese and even the entire Asia's literature development. Based on the Japan's Buddha imperial sacrifices thought soil, his articles are completely eastern or Japanese nihility from the deep seeing. On the side of self-creation, which was based on Japan and east, Sichuan end Kang Cheng has achieved the perfect condition. He advocates the nihility variable view, the stem samara reincarnation and he believes that life and death don't extinguish, also the beauty of Death. In addition, his believes that the world always of stay with me. Actually, his articles can be a clear express of aesthetic showed in "Snow Country" is just the perfect artistic mingle of the eastern and western culture. On the other hand, "Flowered Dormancy" is the best illustration of the connection between death and aesthetics. In this work, I will discuss not only How Sichuan end Kang Cheng from his idea, He topic of this idea, also this idea's use in his articles.
Keywords:Sichuan end Kang Cheng; Buddha imperial sacrifices view; Nihility