更新时间:09-10 上传会员:重庆小伙
分类:文学论文 论文字数:7451 需要金币:500个
摘要:苏轼一生屡次遭贬,面对困境,他或歌抒人生如梦,流露颓然心态,或不畏艰险,彰显昂扬斗志,而苏轼最擅长的则是以超世宽广的心胸化解人生若 ,这种能力在其贬谪生涯中体现得尤为明显。黄州、惠州、儋州是苏轼人生的重要贬所,他这一时期的诗歌或倾吐政治失意的愤懑,或发抒百姓困极的悲歌,或观悟自然景致的禅意,具有独特的艺术风貌。家庭教育的儒家熏陶与后天自觉的佛老习染,使得苏轼成为一名儒释道的哲人,也使得他贬居时期的诗歌创作有了儒家的坚守,道家的自由与佛家的悲悯,含蓄隽永,意味深长。
ABSTRACT:Su she’s life was frequently fall, in the face of difficulties, he adopted or song life is like a dream, reveal self-effacing mentality, or take the bull by the horns, reveals high morale, and us shy is the most good at is very broad mind to resolve if life, this ability is especially apparent is reflected in its during his career. His Huizhou, Huizhou and Lanzhou important fall by us she’s life, his poetry of this period or pour out political anger, or expressing people trapped very elegy, or natural scenery view enlightenment of Zen, has a unique artistic style. Family education of Confucianism edification and nurture consciously lack Folio influence, make us shy as a philosopher Mungrup Buddhism, made him fall in the period of the poetry with Confucian stick to, the freedom of the Taoist and Buddhist compassion, implicative meaningful and significant.
Key words: Exploits, Su Shi, Live in exile, Poetry, Writing, Psychology