更新时间:09-01 上传会员:皇族girl
分类:文学论文 论文字数:6701 需要金币:500个
摘要:1977年,白先勇的首部长篇小说《孽子》以连载的形式问诸于世,讲述了台北一个特殊同性恋群体的喜乐悲伤。由于白先勇本身特殊的性取向,使得他对第三性世界人们的情绪特征有着深刻的体验,在这部小说里他用细腻深刻的笔触对这个世界进行了一次“众生相”式淋漓尽致的描写,并深入人物内心,探讨了天生命定与道德选择等充满宗教色彩的话题, 满蕴着宿命的意味。与此同时,白先勇借笔下的人物傅崇山表达了“以情代赎,超越宿命”的希望,让我们看到了他对未来社会的信心和期盼。
ABSTRACT:In 1977,Baixianyong’s first full-length novel<Unfilial Son> was published in a serial form,this novel told us a story of a special gay group in Taibei. Baixianyong had the most deep experience and feeling in the third sex world,maybe because of his different sex orientation.In the novel ,Baixianyong describe the world of the gay group with exquisite through incisively and vividly. At the same time,the writer probes into the heartof the characters deeply,he discusses with moral selection natural commanded filled with religious color topic. Meanwhile,Baixianyong express the”BY affection redeem it,beyond hope of destiny”through his chacter—Fuchongshan,let readers see his confidence of future society and hope
KEY WORD: The homosexual word, Fate consciousness, Affection redeem