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[摘要] 悲剧意识即是人类意识到自身个体的短促性,渺小性,悲剧性的时候产生的一种个体的孤独感,价值的空没感,生命的无奈感。李煜后期词较前期内涵更为丰富、感情更为复杂,故更具有文学研究的价值。语言是思想的表达,李煜词风的独特性正是其内心感受的独特所在,其性格特点和生活经历的巨大变化使他的感受异于常人,使之成了悲剧形象的一个典型人物。本文试图通过对李煜后期词作的研究从其生命悲剧意识的表现,形成的原因,及其价值意义三方面对其进行剖析,从而进一步认识李煜的生命悲剧及其作品的价值意义。
[关键词] 李煜; 后期词作; 悲剧意识; 价值意义;
[AbstractTragic consciousness is the human awareness of their individual short ,small. When at the tragic time it will produce an individual’s loneliness, no sense of empty life value and the helpless.The word connotation at later period of Li Yu is rich , more emotionally complex than early, so it caused much more literature study value. Language is the expression of ideas while Li Yu’s unique style of vocable is unique in its feelings and the great changes of personality characteristics and life experience made him feel different from ordinary people which lead him to becomea typical character of the tragic image.This paper attempts to study the late Li Yu Ci from the life tragedy consiousness , causes and values to analyze the three aspects and its significants. Then we can learn the further value of Li Yu’s life tragedy and his opus.
[Key words] Li Yu;later period poetry; The consciousness of tragedy; the values