更新时间:05-29 上传会员:fuyifan
分类:文学论文 论文字数:14120 需要金币:500个
[摘要] 施耐庵的《水浒传》是我国古典四大名著之一,书中生动的描绘了108位英雄好汉梁山聚义的壮阔场面,宋江作为领袖,他的忠义思想总是最具魅力却又充满争议。宋江的一生是践行忠义理想的一生。各种因素交织在一起,形成了他的忠义品质。在人生的各个阶段都将忠义理想展现得淋漓尽致。忠义品质助他成就了但也葬送了轰轰烈烈的梁山聚义,并最终导致了个人命运的悲剧结局。古今论者,对其忠义品质褒贬不一。如今,我们应本着扬弃的眼光,看待他的这种品质,将其有益部分继承、发扬。
[关键词] 水浒传; 宋江; 忠义; 招安; 悲剧; 扬弃
[Abstract] ShiNai’an’s Water Margin is one of our Four Great Classical,the book depicted a magnificent scene of 108 heroes,as the chieftaina,SongJiang’s loyalty thought was charmed and controversial.SongJiang practiced his loyalty thought all his life.His loyalty thought formed dues to a lot factor and he showed it in various stages of his life.The loyalty thought not only achieved but also ruined the LiangShan caeer.His life became a tragedy final.Face to his thought, ancient and modern scholars has different comments.In now the society, we should be in line with abandoning the vision, will the good part of the inheritance and carry forward.
[Key words] Water Margin; SongJiang; Loyalty; Amnesty; Tragedy; Discard