更新时间:05-28 上传会员:fuyifan
分类:文学论文 论文字数:12898 需要金币:500个
【摘要】 秦少游出生于江苏高邮的一个寒士之家,社会地位低下,生活清苦。少年丧父的不幸,“浮梗飘萍”的悲剧,流放贬谪的生活,铸就了他多愁善感、沉郁内向的性格,因此,他的作品大都流露了这种伤感色彩。秦观如同一位丹青高手,用色彩给我们构筑了一个爱恨缠绵的情愁世界。在这些色彩的背后,是他真情实感的坦率流露,寄予着浓厚的身世之感和时代忧伤。
【关键词】 秦观;感伤;色彩
【Abstrsct】 QinShaoyou was born in a home of poverty in JiangSu Province.His family had a very low social status,and life was very difficult.His father died when he was young,and he suffered the tragedy of wandering around、exile and demotion.Therefore,he had a character of sentimental、depressed and within. So that,there is a feeling of sad in his works.QinGuan like a great painter,and he used all the colors to creat a word of love and hate for us.What behind these colors is the frank and revealing of the his true feelings.These placed a strong sense of life experience and the times sad.
【Keywords】 QinGuan; sadness; colors