更新时间:04-02 上传会员:riku0803
分类:文学论文 论文字数:14728 需要金币:500个
摘要: 长篇小说《天行者》是以中国乡村的民办教师作为抒写对象,通过饱含深情的笔触,充满张力的叙事,塑造了中国民办教师群体形象,表现了中国底层知识分子的坚韧与执着,传达了他们面对命运的不屈与抗争,展示了乡村社会中贫瘠的教育现状与艰难的文化启蒙。民办教师默默耕耘在广袤的乡村,支撑起中国农村的基础教育,为中国教育立下了不朽的功勋。
关键词:刘醒龙 ;《天行者》; 民办教师 ;启蒙者 ;底层知识分子
AbstractThe novel The Skywalker in Chinese rural teachers as a writing object, through the soulful style, full of tension of the narrative, which not only shows the Chinese underlying intellectual tenacity and perseverance, and conveys them face the fate of unyielding and struggle, show in rural society, poor education current situation and difficult cultural enlightenment. Teachers run silently in the vast rural areas, support the Chinese rural basic education, education for the Chinese stands left immortal meritorious service.
Keywords: Liu Xinglong;The Skywalker;Citizen-managed teachers;Enlightenment;The intellectuals