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分类:文学论文 论文字数:9081 需要金币:500个
摘要: 《大卫·科波菲尔》是十九世纪英国伟大的作家——狄更斯的代表作,书中创造出众多令人难忘的人物形象。本文从文本出发,对书中四位重要女性作出新的探索。忠厚善良、勤劳温顺的保姆佩格蒂,内心慈祥、外表严峻的姨婆贝西,温顺活泼、单纯痴情的朵拉,端庄高贵、温柔聪慧的爱格妮斯,她们不仅生活中照顾大卫,更在思想上指引大卫,促使大卫在挫折与苦难中不断前进,走上正确的人生道路。对她们的刻画,也表现出了狄更斯的人道主义精神及道德感情。
关键词:狄更斯;《大卫·科波菲尔》; 女性形象
Abstract: David Copperfield is a masterpiece of Charles Dickens, a great English writer of 19th century, who created many impressive characters in the book. This paper based on the novel makes new analysis on the four main female characters: honest and diligent Nanny Peggotty; cold face but kind-hearted Aunt Betsey; lively and faithful Dora and demure and intelligent Agnes. They not only take care of David in everyday life, also do they give guidance to his mind, making him keep moving on and finally pick the right way. The establishment of those female images, on the other hand, reflects Dickens’ humanism and morality.
Key words: Dickens, David Copperfield, female images