更新时间:03-18 上传会员:随心所欲
分类:文学论文 论文字数:8809 需要金币:500个
[关键词] 王小波; 黑色幽默; 黄金时代; 荒诞
[Abstract] Wang Xiaobo is a very special writer in the contemporary literary world of china, as to contemporary literary world china,one great contribution of novel of wang,is the creation of “revelry novel”.The formation of this kind literary style has been influnced by black humour to a great extent,which is characterized by vulgar language,black humour personage and environment of alienation.His novel is the comedy of deconstruction and subversion.Because of his special style ,wang is popular in literary of china ,many writers imitate his style to the process of their own writing
[Key words] Wang Xiaobo;black humour;golden time;fantastic
王小波作品的独创性在于它以荒诞消解了传统喜剧的滑稽,以沉痛、无可奈何的苦笑替代了传统喜剧轻松开怀的笑;以荒诞性消解了传统悲剧的严肃性,以绝望的惨笑替代了悲剧的痛感,大悲转化为大笑;把人物的悲剧抗争精神转化为无可奈何的认命、宿命精神。这种黑色幽默(black humor),用笑来表现悲惨,悲惨情节则借荒诞戏谑加以宣泄。事实上,黑色幽默早在上个世纪60年代便盛行于美国文坛,此类小说力求突出生存环境的荒谬冷酷,嘲讽攻击传统价值与美学观念,表现世界的异化,人性的冷落和情感的破碎。而王小波作品就是这种黑色幽默的典型代表,“王小波热”也正是“黑色幽默”在我国盛行的典型表现。