更新时间:03-15 上传会员:我不是叫兽
分类:文学论文 论文字数:10411 需要金币:500个
【摘要】上世纪8O年代末9O年代以来,文学界和文化界几次升腾且愈演愈烈的“张爱玲热”,使得这位沉寂了半个世纪的女作家重新进入人们的视野,并逐渐成为一种时尚与经典并存的文化符号。是什么造就了这一文化现象?是其独特的写作技巧、 作品自身的魅力、传播环境与传播媒介的推波助澜还是受众的审美取向。本文认为,正是大众传媒抓住张爱玲及其作品与当下文化环境的契合的特点进行推波助澜,促成了“张爱玲热”这一独特的文化现象。
【关键词】张爱玲热; 雅俗共赏; 女性视角; 大众传媒; 文化环境
【abstract】 at the end of the century on 8O nine 9O, since the literary and cultural several centerm and intensified chang hot that the silent for half a century of female writer re-enter their horizons, and gradually became a kind of fashion and classic coexist culture symbols. What makes this a cultural phenomenon? Is its unique writing skill, the work itself charisma, spread the environment and media or the audience's propensity aesthetic orientation. This paper thinks that it is the mass media seize zhang ailing and his works and the present cultural environment on the characteristics of the fit of chafing contributed to zhang ailing heat of this unique cultural phenomenon.
【keywords】 zhang ailing hot; The refined; Mass media;