更新时间:12-24 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂
分类:文学论文 论文字数:13033 需要金币:500个
[摘要] 1985年前后,文坛出现了具有先锋实验性质的小说创作潮流,文体创新和语言自觉给小说带来了更为自由和阔大的空间。莫言作为先锋派的代表人物之一,充分发挥了文本实验的技能和才华。莫言的作品在历史背景下述说着中华民族的过往,他能让我们在其作品的死亡意识和生殖崇拜下去解读其作品的生命意识,去体悟大地民间的生命强力。在艺术表现方面,莫言用诗意化、寓言化、感觉化、散文化等手法创作出多样化的艺术形式,并且注重强化个人感觉和独特的语言风格,带有明显的“先锋色彩”。
[关键词] 莫言 先锋 生命力 艺术体验
[Abstract] In 1985, literary appeared before the experimental nature with vanguard novel creation tide, style of innovation and language consciously to novel brought more freedom and wide space. Mo yan as representative of avant-garde, gives full play to the text experiment skill and talent. Mo yan's works in the history of the Chinese nation under the background of the past declared, he can let us in his works, the consciousness of death and reproductive worship down interpretation of life in his works, to quell the consciousness of folk life strong. Artistic expression, MoYanYong poesy, allegorizations, feeling change, creating prosification techniques such as the diversified art form, and pay attention to strengthen their personal feelings and unique language style, with the apparent "pioneer colors."
[Key words]Mo Yan Pioneer Vitality Artistic experience