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[摘要] 林语堂身处中西文化交戎的时期,不同的文化影响和自身的生活经历,使林语堂产生了看似独特实则矛盾的女性观。林语堂的女性思想虽然超出了中国传统文化的局限,但是本质上还是没有跳出男权文化的桎梏。本文在借鉴前人研究的基础上,通过归纳、分析、综合等思维方法,对林语堂的女性观进行深入研究,希望从整体上把握林语堂女性观“矛盾”的特质和缘由,借此理解林语堂对女性解放的独特贡献,充分认识林语堂的思想、文化选择与审美趣味,获得关于女性未来发展趋向的某些启迪。
[关键词] 林语堂; 女性观; 矛盾; 影响
[Abstract] In the period which Chinese and western culture went together, different cultural influences and life experiences, made Lin produced the unique and contradictory observation of female . His observation of women beyond the limit of Chinese traditional culture, but in essence it hadn’t jump out from the shackles of male chauvinist culture. In this article ,I based on the former research for reference, through the authors of conclude, analysis, etc., thinking method of Lin in-depth study feminism, hope to grasp the characters and reasons of observation ,and hope to understand the unique contributions by the liberation of women of him, fully to realize the ideological, cultural choice and aesthetic interest, to obtain about future developing trend of women in some enlightenment.
[Key words] Yutang Lin; observation of female; contradiction; impact