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【摘要】 《阅微草堂笔记》通过一些神仙狐鬼精魅的故事,广泛地反映了清代社会现实,描摹人情世态,抒发人生感慨,传布劝善之道。其中对于一部分正面女性形象评价标准有时显得特别,并且表现了相当深度的人性关注,看起来与正统思想大相径庭,值得重视。但总的来说,这种关注的背景仍是男权语境,作品肯定的正面形象,依然是为男性的存在而存在,作品着力塑造理想的标准女性,力图构成一种文化规范,实际上是从另一个角度巩固了对女性的束缚。通过对作品中的女性作简单的分析归纳,可以从中看到纪昀对女性的赞扬和同情,以及深切的关注,但是在历史大背景下,我们也不得不承认,纪昀有着对夫为妻纲、妻妾制等两性关系传统道德模式的固守。作为传统文人,他无法超越时代局囿,他秉承传统观念中男女基本的立身准则,但他在礼、法、习俗间的游移又使其思想呈现出多元化特征,对于女性的同情与关爱又让后世之人看到了其人文精神张扬的一面。
【关键词】 《阅微草堂笔记》 女性形象
【abstract】 The notes of Yueweicaotang is a collection of fairy tales of ghosts written by MR YunJi describing the state of life of people living in the Qing dynasty, to reveal the essence of the society, to express the voice from the his heart, to cry for virtue of human. The author has some special standards on evaluating females, and gives much solicitude, which seems different from traditional thoughts of people, however the tone of androcentrism is found everywhere in the whole story latently. The female character approved in the story exists for males. The author attempts to figure an idealized model for females and it is in fact a different way of astrict. It contains sympathy and recognition for females but in the background of history, we have to admit that the author’s belief on relationships of men and women is not out of the limit of the criterion of the age. He stands on the conventional rule of the survival of males and females, but requests varieties of characteristics of thoughts on manners, law, and customs. His care and sympathy about females expresses his cry for humanities.
【keywords】 《The Notes Of Yueweicaotang》 Female images