更新时间:12-12 上传会员:大耳朵
分类:文学论文 论文字数:13166 需要金币:1000个
关键词 企业秘书;职业生涯规划;调查研究
Abstract:Secretary is an ancient and advancing with The Times, as the progress of The Times, the development of the society, the secretary of the professional degree more and more important in companies. Just as when the secretary to produce, however, corporate secretary is, after all, a supporting post, so people often lack of attention on their career and their planning, so that ignore or even misunderstanding, make secretary industry rapid development. These neglected and misunderstood, this study through the literature material law, questionnaire survey method and interview method to enterprise secretary career planning related investigation, concluded that corporate secretary career planning from four aspects: professional growth in a low level, poor professional quality, professional pressure big, strong professional requirements. The aim of this study is to the enterprise secretary of a secretary to the enterprise itself, enterprise and society of professional positive understanding, increase enterprise secretary of this group was attention.
Keywords Company secretary Career planning Investigation and study
社会主义市场经济条件下,企业面临着来自各方面的压力,经济全球化日益加强,各种资本、各色跨国企业在中国生根发芽,本土企业在迎接机遇的同时也面临着国内外企业的强大竞争,企业运转节奏大大加快。这样高速运转的企业就像是一部部巨大的机器,不得不依赖高效的润滑剂才能顺利高效运转,而秘书岗位及其工作人员就是这样的润滑剂,它是一切企事业单位都需要设置的岗位。正是他们的存在才使得企业运转更加快速高效,但是人们通常情况下关注的是企业的效益所得,并不去关心它的后勤保障支持,因此就很少有人去关注秘书工作人员,对他们的职业生涯的了解就显得匮乏。因为很少有人去触及这方面,所以导致人们对这方面的忽视,甚至造成不理解和误解。企业秘书在学校和毕业后对秘书岗位及其职业发展的认识不足 ,导致其职业发展上出现困难;企业对秘书工作重要性认识不足,秘书工作人员的职业生涯进程不被重视;社会上对秘书岗位也产生了误解,认为秘书岗位没有发展前途,谁都可以当秘书。这是人们思想上对企业秘书职业生涯的认识不足,在文献中对企业秘书职业生涯及其规划与管理的关注也比较稀少。本研究希望通过对企业秘书的职业生涯规划的调查研究让企业秘书自身、企业以及社会对企业秘书有一个正确的认识,增加对企业秘书这一群体的关注度。