更新时间:11-19 上传会员:你好,学长
分类:文学论文 论文字数:8553 需要金币:500个
【关键词】 白先勇 自杀 悲悯情怀 救赎意识
Abstract:The novels of Bai Xianyong have a consciousness of predestination. His works often show that people’s ideals are incompatible with the reality of life. It is a common fact that in Bai’s a lot of works the characters are trapped in emotional, cultural and living predicaments, all of which ends up with the deaths of the characters. The characters choose to end their lives not simply because they are pessimistic about life but to get rid of all the predicaments and to stick to themselves through death.
[Key words] Bai Xianyong, suicide, pathos, the consciousness of atonement
白先勇一直强调命运的无常,正是因为认识到这种无常,所以对能够把握在手里的东西才格外珍惜。母亲的死亡让他意识到在死亡的面前,人是无能为力的。所以他的作品表现出人生无常的哀叹和美好终究凋零的无奈,这是人生悲剧的宿命。但是承认宿命却并非消极。人生来就落入强大的宿命怪圈, 人的力量是渺小的,明知个体与宿命的力量相差悬殊却依然抗争,这才凸显出白先勇是一个顽强的抗争者。对于白先勇笔下的人物,自杀其实是一种解脱,一种救赎,死亡变成生命的延伸,在无望的生的对应面的死亡,也许才是梦想的彼岸。自杀,能够毁灭肉体摆脱困境,唤醒灵魂的觉醒,发现生命的意义,正体现了白先勇的悲悯情怀和救赎意识。