更新时间:09-23 上传会员:园丁小瞳
分类:企业经济 论文字数:11525 需要金币:1000个
关键词: 主权评级,评级机构,主权债务,债务危机, 国家财政
Abstract:Nowadays, we are living in the century of global economic integration. With the increasing growing of transnational investment, on the one hand, sovereign bonds which issued by government has grew day by days ,on the other hand ,individual and government investment between countries are becoming more and more frequently , as a result , Agencies which are in charge of estimating a country’s fundamental economic situation were appeared .The three International rating agencies(Standard& Poor's ; Moody's ; Fitch Rating ) are recognized as the most credible rating agencies. They combine with different measuring methods of analysis for each country ratings, helping those investors to invest in the international market. The results of a country's analysis and assessment are very important, witch have great influences on the international market. However, the international sovereign default events frequently appeared in the over years, which make us couldn't help to doubt the results of sovereign rating form those rating agencies.
Key Words: Sovereign rating, Rating Agency, sovereign bond,debt crisis, Public finance
主权信用评估作为一个特殊的行业,其主要作用是警示风险。其独立、客观、准确、公正是其赖以生存生命线。综合上所诉,在多次危机期间的表现,我们发现其一个“+”“-”级别的微调会引起金融恐慌,即使一个业务声明也能引发金融市场的震荡,主权评级的敏感,很多时候令到市场上经常出现评级危机事件,令到投资者越来越觉得主权评级的可信度不高 近年来爆发的主权信用危机事件在市场上闹得沸沸扬扬,希腊主权违约时间的影响也仍未消除,继而,国际三大国际机构又逐一下调爱尔兰,西班牙,葡萄牙等多国的主权信用评级。尽管在2011年12月召开了紧急欧盟峰会,但结果也没有使评级机构的降级行为有所停止。