更新时间:09-23 上传会员:园丁小瞳
分类:企业经济 论文字数:8192 需要金币:800个
摘要: 2008年以来,受美国次贷危机影响,我国纺织品出口减缓。人民币汇率变动给纺织企业的产品报价带来很大的不确定性,我国纺织产品在国际市场的相对价格随之上升,出口销售收入下降,导致部分出口企业转向内销,从而加剧国内纺织企业的竞争。加上各国贸易壁垒的加强和企业融资难、投资少,我国纺织品出口的形势愈加严峻。本文通过对纺织行业发展的整体环境及发展趋势进行分析,并依此提出今后应积极规避汇率风险、外贸内销并举及提高产品附加值等应对策略。
Abstract:Since 2008, China's textile export has reduced by the United States sub-loan crisis. The change of RMB exchange rate brings great uncertainty to the textile industry, the price of China's textile products in the international market rises, sales revenues decreases, leading to some export enterprises turn to sale in our own country, thereby aggravate the competition of domestic textile enterprises. At the same time, trade barriers enhance, enterprises finance more difficultly and get less investment, the situation of China's textile exports is more serious. This paper analyzes the overall environment and development trend of the textile industry, puts forward that in the future we must avoid the risk of exchange rate actively, develop foreign trade and domestic sale simultaneously, and increase the additional value of textile products.
Key word: Subprime lending crisis, The appreciation of RMB, Textile, Financing,risk of exchange rate