更新时间:09-22 上传会员:陈老师
分类:企业经济 论文字数:14756 需要金币:500个
摘要:随着中国经济实力日益增强,人民生活水平明显提高。人们开始追求时尚与个性的生活方式,服装成为人们生活重要的一部分。中国服装市场前景广阔,人口较多,适合服装行业发。Fashion Net公司要想顺利进入中国市场就需要制定科学的市场营销策略,增强自身竞争力,实现迅速发展,进而促进公司的蓬勃发展。在中国市场,服装行业的前景是非常广阔的。谁能最大限度地满足不同年龄层次、不同经济地位、不同文化背景的消费者的需要, 谁就将获得最大的发展空间并取得最大的经济利益。
本论文围绕Fashion Net公司的SWOT分析及战略展开讨论。首先分析该公司的概况和营销现状;然后分析公司进入中国市场中所面临的优势、劣势、机会和威胁;最后进行市场细分及确定目标市场和市场定位,并提出相应的营销策略,Fashion Net公司要成功进入的中国市场需要一个适合自己的营销方案。
Abstract:Along with China's growing economic strength, the people's living standards have been markedly improved. As people begin to pursue the life style of fashion and selfhood, costume has become an important part in people's life. China's broad prospects of costume market and large population benefit the costume industry. In order to enter the Chinese market favoring, Fashion Net Corporation needs to frame scientific marketing and sales strategy, enhance their own competitiveness and realize a rapid development, so as to promote the vigorous development of the corporation. In the Chinese market, the prospects of the costume industry are very broad. The one who can furthest meet the needs of the consumers of different ages, different economic status, different cultural backgrounds, will gain the maximal develop space and economic benefits.
This paper discusses on the Fashion Net's SWOT analysis and tactic. First, I’ll analyze the general situation and sales status quo of the corporation, then the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats the corporation will face when they enter the Chinese market; Finally, I’ll make market segmentation, fix on target market and market positioning and put forward relevant marketing strategy, for Fashion Net corporation needs a suitable marketing scheme for their own to enter the Chinese market successfully.
Key Words: SWOT analysis ; STP strategy ; Marketing strategy
女装市场一直是服装市场的龙头,其一直引领着时尚和潮流,是时尚、个性的代表。女性购买服装的频率和金额是所有服装消费群体中最多的。因此众多公司和资源混战在女装市场里,女装品牌众多,各品牌之间差距不大。希望这套战略方案对Fashion Net公司又一定的帮助,可以使Fashion Net公司进入中国市场以后更加蓬勃发展。