更新时间:08-10 上传会员:致青春郑微
分类:企业经济 论文字数:10026 需要金币:500个
在当前知识经济社会不断变化的市场环境下,企业要保持旺盛的竞争力,必须增强自强适应变化的能力,进行灵活有效的经营运作,在这种情况下, 人性化管理这一以人性化思想为指导的管理方式成为企业实现快速反应,及时转变的必要手段.本文提出了建立面向知识员工的人性化管理所必须进行的措施.要建立尊重、开放和信任的企业文化;要强化知识企业的沟通机制,建立知识企业的学习制度,建立全新的适应知识企业的评估机制和激励机制;要形成管理者对知识员工的"引导"和"支持"的职能. 人性化管理是知识经济时代的必然趋势,人性化管理的关键部分——人力资源管理的柔性化,主要包括领导的授权与员工的全面参与、工作分析的柔性化、员工的培训与发展以及柔性的激励措施,以利于人性化管理成为企业核心竞争力的法宝。
关键词:人性化管理, 趋势, 问题, 对策
Abstract:The user-friendly management or management user-friendly is the modern business management development momentum, this had as if already become the fact which does not struggle. But, how to do well the user-friendly management, how to excavate in the modern business management fully the user-friendly implication, actually needs the people to carry on in-depth the cultural ponder. in the current knowledge economy society changes unceasingly under the market environment, the enterprise must maintain the exuberant competitive power, must strengthen the striving to improve adaptation change ability, carries on the nimble effective management operation, in this case, user-friendly manages this take user-friendly thought to become the enterprise as the instruction mode of administration to realize the rapid reaction, prompt transformation essential method. This article proposed establishment measure which must carry on face the knowledge staff's user-friendly administration center. Must establish the respect, the opening and the trust enterprise culture; Must strengthen the knowledge enterprise's communication mechanism, establishes the knowledge enterprise's study system, establishes the brand-new adaptation knowledge enterprise's appraisal mechanism and the incentive mechanism; Must form the superintendent to the knowledge staff " the guidance " and " the support " function. The user-friendly management is the era of knowledge economy inevitable trend, the user-friendly management essential part - - human resources management flexibility, mainly includes the leadership the authorization with staff's comprehensive participation, the work analysis flexibility, staff's training and the development as well as the flexible drive measure, favors user-friendly to manage into the enterprise core competitiveness the magic weapon. the so-called user-friendly management, is one kind in the entire business management process the full attention human nature essential factor, take digs person's potential fully as own duty management pattern.
Key words: User-friendly management, Tendency, Question, Countermeasure