更新时间:12-10 上传会员:大耳朵
分类:企业经济 论文字数:8352 需要金币:500个
摘要: 随着现在社会网络在我们生活中的地位逐渐加重,类似于Q币这类的虚拟货币层出不穷,它有自己的使用价值,并且与现实货币之间存在着必然的联系。通过Q币,我们可以对网络中存在的虚拟货币进行研究。电子银行网上银行方便了我们将现实货币转化为虚拟货币,同时也会引发一系列的问题。如虚拟货币在使用中的安全问题,有虚拟货币滋生的犯罪问题。虚拟货币的发展是一把双刃剑,它既可以推动现实经济的发展,同时也存在着阻碍现实经济发展的不安因素。本文主要研究虚拟货币的本质以及虚拟货币对现实经济带来的利弊,并通过分析简单的阐述自己的观点,提出一些利于虚拟货币健康发展的合理化建议。
关键词:网络 Q币 虚拟货币
Abstract: With the current social network in our life gradually aggravate, similar to Q currency this kind of virtual currency emerge in an endless stream, it has its own value, and with real money there is inevitable connection between. By Q, we can on networks in the presence of the virtual currency of. Electronic Bank Internet banking convenience we will real money into virtual currency, also can cause a series of problems. Such as the virtual currency in use in security issues, a virtual currency breed crime problems. The development of virtual currency is a double-edged sword, it can promote the development of real economy, at the same time there are also hinder the economic development of the disturbing factors. This paper mainly studies the essence of virtual currency and virtual currencies on the real economic benefit, and through the analysis of simple ideas, put forward some beneficial for the healthy development of virtual currency rationalization proposal.
Keywords:Internet Qcurrency virtual currency