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摘 要:随着经济全球化进程的加快以及我国开放的日渐深入,使得越来越多的产品能够进入寻常百姓家中。军品作为军队制式用品在很长的一段时间内因其产品的特殊属性而无法进入市场,但伴随着市场化浪潮以及传统军工企业转型等“军民结合”多方面因素,军品已经不再只是军警等强力部门专供使用的产品,而是越来越多走向普通市场。作为一个新兴的市场,军品市场不仅面临着政策和法律等亟待规范的市场环境,产品的特殊性也导致市场呈现出与其他日常生活用品诸多不同的特点,因此针对军品及其市场的研究显得更加迫切。本文立足于分析中国军品市场,着眼观察北京铁血科技有限责任公司的军品销售模式,研究公司模式得失的同时发现并解决问题,帮助中国军品销售企业及军品门店寻找到适合本国市场特性的营销策略及营销模式。
关键词:市场营销 营销模式 铁血科技 军民两用
ABSTRACT:With the accelerated process of economic globalization and the increasing depth of the open, making more and more products to enter the homes of ordinary people. As a properties of products can not enter the market, but along with the tide of the market as well as traditional military enterprise restructuring and other "military and civilian" factors, such as military police no longer just powerful sectors exclusively for use of the product, but more and more toward the general market. As an emerging market, military market is not only faced with the policies and laws should be standardized market environment, product specificity has also led to market presents many other daily necessities, different characteristics, so its market research for the military even more urgent. This article is based on the analysis of Chinese military market, focusing on observation Jagged Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing's military sales model to study the pros and cons of both corporate model identify and solve problems and help Chinese military sales enterprise and military stores to find a suitable home market behavior and marketing strategy marketing model.
Keywords:Marketing;Marketing model;Tiexue;Dual-use