更新时间:05-06 上传会员:禹珊
分类:精选论文 论文字数:8239 需要金币:1000个
摘 要:篮球运动和篮球竞赛规则是同时产生的,是相互作用和相互促进的。通常往年迎新杯篮球比赛都是在老场地进行,但是由于2010年10月1日即世界锦标赛后相继生效的新规则,让迎新篮球赛在新场地上进行,场地的变化能让比赛变得更激烈,更有悬念。鉴于此本文通过观察法、文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法和逻辑分析法,对新规则中篮球场变更给体育学院迎新篮球比赛带来的影响进行新老场地的对比分析。分析结果表明,篮球场地区域变化提高了迎新比赛的观赏性,使篮球运动更刺激、更具魅力、更有悬念。根据本文所得结论提出具有针对性的解决方法,并提出建议:运动员必须要加强薄弱技、战术的训练,使技术、战术、体能和对抗能力和身体素质的全面发展提高,来适应现在新的篮球场地的变化。
关键词:场地变更 迎新篮球比赛 影响
ABSTRACT:Basketball and basketball competition rules is produced simultaneously, is interaction and promote each other. Usually new cup basketball game last in the old site, but because the October 1,, the world championship one after the new rules take effect, make sure the ground in new basketball game, the changes can make the game more intense, more suspense. In view of this this paper through the observation, the literature material method, interview, questionnaire and logic analysis, the new rules on the basketball court to change new sports college basketball game on the impact of the new and old site of comparative analysis. The analysis results show that the basketball court zone changes improve the look of a new game, make the basketball sports more exciting and more charm, more suspense. According to the results obtained in this paper has put forward some corresponding solutions, and puts forward some Suggestions: athletes must strengthen the weak skill and tactics of the training, technical and tactical, physical fitness, and against ability and physical quality comprehensive development and improvement, to adapt to the change of the basketball court now new.
Keywords:Field change;Orientation basketball game;influence