更新时间:01-23 上传会员:自由猫
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【摘要】 声音和画面具有不同的表达效果,画面给人更多的是视觉冲击,而声音更能够引发人的共鸣、能够深入观众的内心深处,紧紧抓住观众的情绪,使其随着影片的发展而变化。声音和画面的结合是现代影视艺术作品中常用的表现手法,让人们享受了视觉和听觉的双重美感,使得画面形象的内涵更为丰富,声音和画面于影视作品如鸟之双翼、车之双轮,所以说声画结合是创作优秀影视作品必不可少的手法之一,在影视作品的创作中发挥了巨大的作用。因此声音造型的应用对于艺术观念、艺术实践和影像艺术的发展起到重要作用。
【关键字】 声音造型;艺术性;画外音;有源音乐
【Abstract】The sound and picture has a different expression, the picture gives more visual impact and sound can trigger the resonance of the people, can penetrate into the hearts of the audience, firmly grasp the emotions of the audience to make it with the moviedevelopment changes. The combination of sound and picture are commonly used in modern film and television works of art of expression, allow people to enjoy both the visual and auditory beauty, makes the screen image of the content is richer, sound and pictures in film and television works, such as the wings of a bird, a cart wheel, so to say painting combined with one of the essential approach of creative excellent film and television works, played a huge role in the creation of film and television work. The sound shape of the application of the concept of art, art practice and the development of video art to play an important role.
【Key words】Sound modeling; Sound modeling; Voice-over; Active music
有声电影诞生80年来,声音始终处于附庸地位,和画面存在着一定的等级差。因此,无论在影视实践或是影视理论研究方面,声音造型的研究是一块未开垦的处女地,不要说是声音造型,就是广义的影视声音也从来没有像画面那样得到过充分重视和应有的探讨,这种局面,直接影响了影视艺术的发展和创作品味的提升。也正因为声音在影视艺术中的暧昧地位,使得构成影视声音三要素的音乐、音响、语声与画面构图、镜头组接、色彩比较起来,缺少打磨,从而在实践上形成一定的误区。本课题将以曾获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖的“燃情岁月“为例,通过对该影片中声音造型的深入分析以来探讨声音造型对影片中故事情节发展以及对观众情绪的渲染所起的作用,浅析电影中声音造型的艺术特性。本论文主要由六个部分构成:一、介绍影片“燃情岁月”的剧情梗概;二、分析“燃情岁月”中画外音分类、画外音构成;三、 特征分析;四、 特征细部特征;五、声音与叙事;六、有源音乐进入叙事。本课题将会对影片中的声音进行分类分析,探究声音在影片中的叙事作用及其艺术性。