更新时间:12-06 上传会员:莉雅
分类:精选论文 论文字数:7009 需要金币:500个
关键字:江苏 纺织服装 出口 竞争
Abstract:Jiangsu province is our country modern machine textile industry one of the origin, its origin dates back playing in the late Qing Dynasty LuRunYang Zhangqian, such as the textile enterprises create machine. After more than 100 years of development, Jiangsu have become China textile clothing industry production and export base of important, existing scale above textile enterprise many ten thousand four hundred, total sales, sales revenue, profits are in the front in the whole country. It has many advantages and characteristics, this article through to Jiangsu textile clothing exports competitive advantages and disadvantages of the research, this paper expounds the present situation of the development of Jiangsu textile garment industry and its structure and characteristics, and points out that the Jiangsu textile clothing export foreign trade competition analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, and policy recommendations.
Keywords: Jiangsu; textile and clothing ;export competition
通过STOW分析得出纺织服装业作为江苏省传统优势产业 ,具有一定的比较优势 ,目前已形成相对健全的纺织工业体系。为了有效促进该产业健康、长远发展 ,必须克服劣势 ,增强优势 ,实现产业的比较优势向竞争优势的转化。
我们要用全球化眼光,积极进行产业调整,加快步伐, “快时尚”时代将真正来临。“资本”是企业最重要的资源之一。经过品牌培育期,市场上已经形成了一批发展十年以上,比较成熟,有一定品牌核心竞争力的企业团体,这些企业由于大浪淘沙后留存下来的金沙,再次走到同一个竞争层面上,接受市场的再次“提纯”。未来企业竞争将不在局限于产品竞争层面,而是企业整体资源之间实力的较量,资本为王的时代即将到来,资本整合时代即将到来,未来的企业都将面临整合与被整合的课题。为了抢占资本先机,也为了在资本战中更好的保护自己,企业上市将成为很多公司融资的主要手段之一。服装板块上市公司数量会快速增加,随着更多公司的上市,服装行业将距离“大企业”时代更进一步。