更新时间:11-07 上传会员:邻座的怪同学
分类:精选论文 论文字数:12297 需要金币:500个
摘要:本文分析了刑罚的发展历史,认为由重到轻是刑罚发展的一种趋势、是一条主线,刑罚发展的这种趋势是与刑罚的副作用、我国的社会现实分不开的。刑罚的副作用表现为刑罚能够给国家和个人带来的恶;国家要追诉犯罪就要付出刑罚成本,个人受到刑罚惩罚意会着承受痛苦,如果刑罚受到错误使用这种恶就更明显。我国的社会现实是;我国正处在社会转型时期。转型时期的各种价值观念的碰撞使得犯罪急剧上升,面对这种情况我们对刑罚的适用 保持谨慎只有这样才能把刑罚的处罚范围限制在最小限度内。刑罚歉抑性在我国的社会实践中存在的问题表现为;刑罚种类单调并且以有期自由刑为主,死刑条款过多,死刑适用过于宽泛,非监禁刑适用范围狭小,所有这些使得我国刑罚呈现重刑主义的色彩。因此本文从转变重刑主义思维、严格限制死刑的适用和扩大非监禁刑的适用范围,努力实现我国刑罚的轻缓方面入手提出了我国刑罚的发展方向。
Abstract:This paper analyzes the history of the development of penalties, that is from light to heavy penalties for the development of a trend, is a main line, the penalty for the development of this trend is the penalty and the side effects, China's social reality inseparable. Penalty for the performance of the side effects of penalties to the state and individuals to the evil state criminal prosecution will have to pay a penalty of costs, private individuals have been punished Tacit a penalty to bear pain, be wrong if the penalty is even more obvious use of such evil. China's social reality is, China is in a period of social transformation. Transition period of the various values of the collision makes a sharp rise in crime, the face of this situation we remain cautious penalties apply only way to the penalty of punishment within the scope of restrictions in the minimum. Apologized penalty in China's suppression of the social problems that exist in practice for the performance; monotonous type of penalty and to have freedom of the main sentence, the death penalty excessive, the death penalty applied too broad, non-custodial sentence narrow the scope of application, all of which show our country's penalty Misdemeanours and colors. So from this change of mentality in prison, strictly limit the application of the death penalty and non-custodial sentence expand the scope of our efforts to achieve the penalty Qinghuan aspects of the proposed penalty for the development of China's direction.
Key words: penalty; Qian Yi; Qingxing