更新时间:07-25 上传会员:阳の阳
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摘要:卢西安·佛洛依德(Lucian Freud)以他的写实绘画闻名。他的肖像画更是他的标志,其个性孤僻而善于观察,拥有能让英国女皇拜访72次的独特的人格魅力。他的油画拥有独特的视角,对当代人的内在精神性格,心里状态有着与众不同的表现力。绘画风格非常鲜明。本文从画家艺术风格的历程,和绘画风格的艺术特色对其绘画风格进行研究。从绘画风格的早期至晚期以及绘画风格的各个方面如用色,用笔,构图和画面气氛等对卢西安·佛洛依德进行分析以期望对这位现代的具象写实绘画大师的艺术进行解读。从而对当代艺术有一些新的认识。
Abstract:Lucian Floyd (Lucian Freud) is known for his realistic painting. His portrait is his sign, the withdrawn personality and good at observation, have to let the queen visited 72 times the unique charm of personality. His painting has a unique perspective, to the contemporary people's inner spiritual character, mental state is out of the ordinary expression. The painting style is very distinctive. This course from the art style of the artist, and the painting style of the artistic features of the style of painting. The pen from the painting style of the early to late and style of painting, such as colour, composition and atmosphere picture of Xi'an, Lu Freud were analyzed to understand expectations of the modern realistic painting masters of the art. So there are some new understanding of contemporary art.
Key words: Lucian Freud, painting style